Polynesian islands are located in the Pacific Ocean. Also Australia, Melanesia ja Mikronesia.
Polynesian islands / island groups are devided as follows:
Hawaii islands
Rapanui = Easter Island
American Samoa
Cook Islands
Wallis ja Futuna
Pitcairn Islands
French Polynesia islands: Tahiiti, Bora Bora, Morea, Manihi, Tikehau and more ...
Polynesia was created by polynesian people. The first theory tells that polynesians come from South-East Asia. The second theory says that their homeland is the one and only Polynesia. Non of the theories have been proved.
Every Polynesian island group has it´s own culture and a life style. They have also many similarities, like an exotic nature, warm weather, sun and so on.
When the first europeans found Polynesian islands, they where boggled- polynesian dancers didn´t wear anything beside mini-skirts. These dances looked too erotic and unaccustomed. Missionaries where the ones, who proscribed that kind of naked dancing- there was only one culture and religion they accepted.
Polynesian dances, performed to tourists, were once called Airport dances. These dances were adapted and made more energetic, so, polynesians could amuse tourists better. In these dances, more important elements were costumes and dance movement than chanting.
Traditional dances were and are performed only by native people.
The New Age dances are performed /arwadays: Hawaiian Hula Auana, Tahitian dances, Cook Island dances, Samoa dances, New Zealand dances ... The most popular dances come from Hawaii and Tahiti, which are performed barefoot.